Any car owner that has worked on their own vehicle knows what a Haynes manual is. The company has helped educate people working on their own cars for over fifty years. Now Haynes has stepped up to enter the digital age by uploading the manuals on the internet.
The Haynes Group took over Vivid Holding BV three years ago, a company specializing in digital publishing, that will help publish the manuals online. Haynes will upload its top 50 manuals by subscription on the Internet.
The online version will still include the print form, but the digital version will use audio and video to further improve instructions. The online version will be much easier to understand when compared to a print copy made of black and white images. Haynes hopes to make DIY car instruction much easier and also appeal to the internet generation.
Haynes has not put the guides online yet, but will do so soon.
[Source: Car Tech Blog]
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